I intended no reproach; for all I know they're fine people... I've come to believe that being gay is a genetic predisposition more than a lifestyle choice. At the same time, for anyone who has spent some time at Bethel, where homophobia is pervasive, the suspicion that some, if not many, celibate gays are present in the family, is not new.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
October 15 Study WT, Page 17 Story: "Richard, Lowell, Ramon, Bill:" A Gay Subtext?
by Room 215 ini don't now whether anyone else read that article, but several of the photos , and the comments under the subtitle "happy marriages" wherein the happy quartet suggested that they acceded to marriage only when uber-zealot females who took priority over physically attractive girls could be found.... made me wonder... hmmmm... .
October 15 Study WT, Page 17 Story: "Richard, Lowell, Ramon, Bill:" A Gay Subtext?
by Room 215 ini don't now whether anyone else read that article, but several of the photos , and the comments under the subtitle "happy marriages" wherein the happy quartet suggested that they acceded to marriage only when uber-zealot females who took priority over physically attractive girls could be found.... made me wonder... hmmmm... .
Room 215
I can't help but sense that these Bethel "lifers" succumbed to peer pressure to "Straigthen up and Fly Right" ... at least one of those photos is a little too touchy-feely for comfort, IMHO
October 15 Study WT, Page 17 Story: "Richard, Lowell, Ramon, Bill:" A Gay Subtext?
by Room 215 ini don't now whether anyone else read that article, but several of the photos , and the comments under the subtitle "happy marriages" wherein the happy quartet suggested that they acceded to marriage only when uber-zealot females who took priority over physically attractive girls could be found.... made me wonder... hmmmm... .
Room 215
I don't now whether anyone else read that article, but several of the photos , and the comments under the subtitle "Happy Marriages" wherein the happy quartet suggested that they acceded to marriage only when uber-zealot females who took priority over physically attractive girls could be found.... made me wonder... hmmmm...
JWs exposed in Norway
by InquiryMan induring the past week, 17 different articles on various practices of jws and comments to those, have been published on the web page of the norwegian equivalent of the bbc, nrk: http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/norge/1.8397366.
in addition to this a special news programme with a discussion on sexual abuse and jw was broadcast on nrk2, and p1 contained an interview with an ex-jw on its weekly news summary programme.. it seems the expose is continuing..
Room 215
The neighboring Scandinavian coutnries would seem to be a good place to start.
Here's A Pictorial Antidote To WT's "Wicked World" Rhetoric.....
by Room 215 inhttp://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/moments-that-restored-our-faith-in-humanity-this-year.
Here's A Pictorial Antidote To WT's "Wicked World" Rhetoric.....
by Room 215 inhttp://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/moments-that-restored-our-faith-in-humanity-this-year.
How many exBethelites?
by Christ Alone ini'd just like to see who here has served at bethel, including myself.
this may be useful for those that have specific questions about bethel, but don't know who of us actually served there.
could we hear from those that served at bethel and where you served?
Room 215
Christ Alone, looks like you should revise the list to include yourself, Borges and Tiktaalik
Room 215
wow, Snakeface; what a dramatic "crash-and-burn" experience! Sounds like newbie El Guapo (welcome to the forum, by the way) can certainly relate to it!
Modern-day Noah rebuilding Ark in Maryland
by Simon inthis hillarious.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20649021.
"i am just like noah," greene says.
"they're laughing and mocking just like they did noah.
Room 215
Hey guys, not so fast.... he may get the last laugh! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/10/evidence-noahs-flood-ark-real-robert-ballard-archeologist-titanic_n_2273143.html?1355183096&icid=maing-grid7%7Cmaing9%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D243741
TV Ministry a No Go for Watchtower Society....ever wonder why?
by Terry inpastor russell had 20 million readers of his newspaper columns worldwide and as many eager students of his topical bible study, studies in the scriptures.. he advertised for 1000 preachers to sell his books door to door!.
the photo drama of creation wowed 9 million people in the early 1914 synchronizing film, hand colored frames and phonograph recordings.. state of the art!.
judge rutherford availed himself of victrola recordings of "religion is a snare and a racket!
Room 215
They don't dare expose their ideas to public scrutiny in an open forum.... it would be a disaster.